Saturday, August 31, 2019


Does the quest for power and wealth, which led to centuries of violent guest and subjugation of city? States and empire during ancient times, continue to happen at present times? – Leaders, presidents, barraging captains, a ruler off place, and others have this ranks getting better and better. For this instance this leaders abuse their power to people to feel that they are strong and they have power, but they are not and they do not have any power. Some leaders are going to be violent because some people do not follow them so they would get mad. Ferdinand E.Marco's, he is en of the presidents that he thinks that he can rule over the people. The people, that time, does not have any rights to talk, they do not have any freedom. Yes, he is very smart, and made our country a better country, but that was the problem, he did not give any freedom to the people. Money changes people. There are these people who uses their money for them instead help the community. Let us use President Gloria MacDougal Arroyo as an example, instead of using the money or donating the money for the people she used the money of the people for her body and face.If you re wondering what my answer is, it's a yes. Leaders wanted power and wealth. It led violent guest and subjugation of the city. Every year or every time they change the leader they have these laws or rules that you should follow whether you like or not. Leaders want to execute people who disobey them. Being a leader those not mean you have to have all the power and money It Is all about being smart, how good you are in helping people, you are ready for the challenges, you have to give what the people want, and you have to give them the people's rights. That is when the leaders darted doing right things.They gave us freedom, and rights. Other countries helped us with the wars and with the Spaniards who are punishing us for no reason and used us as slaves. These leaders feel that they are higher than us, but all of us are t he same. This led our country to do things for others because they think that we are low. There are a lot of countries that tricked us. Like the Americans they went to the Philippines to use our lands but the Filipinos thinks that time that they are going to help us but they did not do anything. The American people tricked us. Then the Filipino people had enough.That Is how we, Filipinos started fighting and we started defending there selves. We stared creating our own rules, our own laws, governments, and policies. That time other people does not have any right to rule us but the ones that can rule us Is the people that can take care of us and can listen to the people problem. These kinds of presidents brought us to stay strong and fight for our country and us. We started as a ruined group of people but we are building walls behind us to make us strong and to tell people that If they mess with us they mess with the wrong people.Until now there are still presidents, not only preside nts but also senators or mayors that use the money of the people, but we know that one day we can be a better country. By bulls_babe you have to have all the power and money it is all about being smart, how good you Filipino people had enough. That is how we, Filipinos started fighting and we started but the ones that can rule us is the people that can take care of us and can listen to the people problem. These kinds of presidents brought us to stay strong and fight for behind us to make us strong and to tell people that if they mess with us they mess

Friday, August 30, 2019

Discuss Concepts of Attachment in Human Development

Discuss concepts of attachment in human development. What implications does this have for a society in which the majority of Mothers are employed outside the home? Attachment is the bond and affection created by two people. It is a need developed in human beings since we are born to feel secure and safe. According to Bowlby, this theory is an emotion connection human beings generate when they are born where they get emotionally associated to caregivers, normally the mother, creating to an emotional reaction when this connection of attachment is in danger or gone. (Worden 1991) Lasing psychological connectedness between human beings† The caregiver is giving to the baby an emotional security needed for the development of the baby. (Hospice Slo) This attachment between baby and caregiver can be partially replaced when the baby grows and gets involved for longer periods of time during the day with other human beings but it is very important to keep the infant close to the main care giver to improve child’s chance of survival. Birth involves changes and adjustments, pain and joy and new beginnings (Kubler-Ross 1981) Key Features of Bolby’s theory of Attachment. Monotropy: Babies are strongly attached to the caregiver who is normally the mother, and this attachment takes its form on the first year of life. -If attachment with the mother has not taken place by age 2, it will be almost impossible to adjust it, even after 6 months of the baby’s life; it would make it very difficult. -Secure attachment to the caregiver is very important for a future emotional, social and intellectual development. -Once attachment is created, if it gets interrupted it can led to massive consequences on social, intellectual and emotional development. Reciprocal: The attachment is form in a two way. -Critical period. Between 6 months and 2 years is most important period where the baby and the caregiver should be close to creating a bond. -Maternal deprivation. As B owlby describes it, it is the serious developmental impairment caused by being separated from the mother in infancy. (Kubler-Ross 1981) Having in mind the theories of attachment according to Bowlby and the repercussions if interrupted, we can state the existence of a strong independence between mother and baby.We can understand that this bond between baby/toddler and caregiver cannot be eternally followed. In general, the mothers, after a giving birth, have created the attachment and get connected to the baby but at some point, most of them will have to go back to a productive life and join their job again if they had one, as most women will be obliged to contribute to the necessities of the family’s finances so she will be forced to assign the task of caring for the baby after just a few months of the baby’s life.That does not mean the attachment will be broken but the baby will spend some time during the day looked after by a second party. The baby will be responsive and create an emotional connection between the new caregiver once the caregiver is responsive and familiar. (Berger 1983) This is not a journey by choice most of the time. It would be greater if the mother could stay close to home and focus directly on what is right to be sure that her path is connected with the child. (Kornfield 1988)The task of looking after the baby while the mother is working could be given to a second party in the family, for example grandparents if they are able to take care of the child or any other relative. A nanny or infant day care are some other choices to achieve the right care for the baby. Once the task of carer has been assigned, the baby will be separated of his mother for most of the day and new attachments will be formed, but the main one will be the bond between mother and child.This change could be lived by the child in a very distressed way as new people or strange people will be caring for him and it could be upsetting for the mother if the b onds are too tight. As upsetting as it could be for the child this change in life and environment could be a crucial move for the child to start learning different things, interact with other people or children and start new discoveries. Mothers always think is safer to leave children with family relates, but depending the age, childcare could be a perfect option for a child.Once the infant is around 2 years old, being exposed to other children will help to develop and the start of relationships with other people or kids, so from being the main character in his house, children will learn to socialize with other children or people with the purpose of social growing. The father, who in a normal situation would have developed a bond with the child but in a smaller scale than the mother, he will make closer emotional connection with his child as he will have more responsibility sharing the tasks and caring for the baby. Cowan 1993) Having mentioned what attachment means for caregiver/mo ther and baby and the changes in modern life, we can question how this affects the working mother, the family and the child. Long-term study by University College London has studied the case and influence in young children when their mothers have to go to work and develop a professional career.The conclusions have been revealing that the kids exposed to this situation are not harmed emotionally or socially by being left with family, relatives or day care option and they would had the same behaviour so there were no changes with the absence of the caregiver. Some researches pointed out that there are no big difference between the time a working mother or a housewife dedicate to their children, as the working mothers compensate the attention to their children on the weekends to make up for the time they have been working and they have missed expending with their child.Psychologists’ point that it is more important the quality not the quantity of time spent with her children. Th e fact that the mother can develop a professional career can help to lift her self-esteem and that will be transmitted to the children instead the mother having to resign for the sake of her children which it can lead to a frustration and depression and these could also be transmitted to the children and affect their day life and their behaviour.This case study leaded to some other repercussions regarding children gender and different situations in the household which we can blame to some dysfunctional parental issues. (Meikle) The UCL Centre for Paediatric Epidemiology and Biostatics study states that children which are left in caring centres or looked after by relatives have poorer dietary habits, had more tendencies to drink sweet drinks between meals and they were an average of two hours a day in front of the TV or the computer than the children who were full time looked after by the mother.These statements link to appreciate that working parents have less time to provide their children with a balance diet and chances for physical activity leading children to a higher risk of obesity. (Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health) Another study by the University College London states that there were no detrimental effects for children if the mother goes back to work but that children’s health and emotional wellbeing could sustain if the detachment happens in very early life of the child.Dr Anne McMunn agrees with some of the statements above and she pointed that children looked after by the mother full time had the most behaviour difficulties. (Ross, T, Barker, C) She also stated that working mothers are more likely to have higher educational qualifications which would allow them to live in a higher class in society, with bigger incomes and have lower possibilities of getting depressed than non working mothers.These factors explain the levels of behavioural difficulties for males of non working mothers, but it would not be the same case for girls. ( McMunn, A) The American Psychological Association, in Washington, D. C has studied the case of families with low incomes and the benefits in children if mothers go to work. Children in a low class family will benefit more if the mother works as there will be a financial stability in the household and the mother will become a model role to follow for the family.Their case study was based in mothers returning to work at early age of the children (preferably almost straight away after giving birth) giving a result of benefits for the children and the family. On the other side, mothers who go back to work after her children turns 3 years old, these children will tend to have achievement problems in school, behavioural problems and conduct problems, believing that it was much better an earlier start for the mother to join work.Doing more research on middle and upper class families, children who were left in daycares were slightly more likely to see decreases in achievement, suggesting th at families with no financial problems may not see beneficial for the mother to go back to work while children are very young. These studies took place in USA and they agree there is no support for new mothers in terms of flexi time and maternity leave policies and that having more help to arrange more time with their babies could only have positive effects for children. Thompson, R. L) United Nations Children's Fund reported that children in UK are exposed to risk as mothers join work too soon having to leave babies in day care, nannies and they mentioned it reduces the emotional benefit and behaviourally if the mothers were able to look after the kids at home as maternity leave are not fairly paid and UK and it does not provide enough money for early childhood services.Unicef reckons by their research that the lack of contact between parents and children could lead the children to depression and withdrawn, performing poorly in school and developing behavioural problems stating tha t the younger the baby is, the greater the risk recommending that babies should be with the parents at least till they are 12 months old. (Beckford, M) We have had the chance to compare different studies and points of view in terms of the impact and implications for employed mothers who have to be away from their homes to bring an income to the house and leave their children in care of second parties.Some of this studies vary in opinions and we have pointed the main repercussions, but most of them agree there is no major repercussions in being absent from the household while they are working. In general, once the attachment mother-child has been established, the mother and the children will always be connected and it could be beneficial for the child for his on future development.In the old times, mothers were staying at home looking after the children and taking care of the house, but this society we are living now has made us change this tradition and our ways of behaving relating parental attachment have changed as we need the income to survive, but the success of our children in the future will not be measured by the material things received but the intensity and quality in the affecting relations parents have been able to provide since they are children.We need to bear in mind that most of the cases where the studies do not find any unbeneficial consequences are based in traditional families, mother and father together with no dysfunctional problems, which if these situation changes dramatically, and the consequences would be completely different. We also presume that the nanny, relative or care giver assigned for this task has experience or it is a high level institution where the children are not going to be in lack of caring of attention. References: – Beckford, M (2008) Unicef: English children at risk because mothers go back to work too soon [Online]. Available: http://www. telegraph. o. uk/news/uknews/3701376/Unicef-English-children-at-risk-b ecause-mothers-go-back-to-work-too-soon. html [Accessed 15 November 2011] -Berger, K. S, 6th ed. , (1983) The developing person through the life span. New York: Worth Publishers. – Cowan, P. A (1993) Family, self, and society: toward a new agenda for family research. New Jersey: Lawerence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. – Hospice SLO. Worden's 4 Tasks of Grief [Online]. Available: http://www. hospiceslo. org/helpful-info/82-wordens-4-tasks-of-grief. html [Accessed 15 November 2011] -Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health (2009) Children of working mothers have unhealthier lifestyles. Online]. Available: http://www. ucl. ac. uk/news/news-articles/0909/09092903 [Accessed 17 November 2011] -Kornfield, J (1988) A path with heart. New York: Rider. -Kubler-Ross,E (1981) Living with Death and Dying. How to communicate with the terminally ill. New York:Touchstone. -McMunn, A (2011) Working mothers and the effects on children. [Online]. Available: http://www. esrc. ac. uk/news-a nd-events/press-releases/16143/working-mothers-and-the-effects-on-children. aspx [Accessed 17 November 2011] – Meikle, J (2011) Working mothers do no harm to their young children, research finds. [Online]. Available: http://www. guardian. co. k/lifeandstyle/2011/jul/22/working-mothers-no-harm-children [Accessed 15 November 2011] -Ross, T, Barker, C (2011) New mothers told it's better to go back to work. [Online]. Available: http://www. telegraph. co. uk/family/8652948/New-mothers-told-its-better-to-go-back-to-work. html [Accessed 17 November 2011] – Thompson, R. L (2010) The Kids Are All Right: Few Negative Associations With Moms' Return to Work Soon After Having Children. [Online]. Available: http://www. apa. org/news/press/releases/2010/10/working-mothers. aspx [Accessed 17 November 2011] -Worden, J. W, 4th  ed. , (2010)  Grief Counselling and Grief Therapy: A Handbook

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Sentence Variety (Portfolio 6) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Sentence Variety (Portfolio 6) - Essay Example e. More quickly than expected, the economy may recover if home values climb. 1. Looking wearily into the cameras of US government photographers, the Dust Bowl farmers represented the harshest effects of the Great Depression. 2. The Trans Alaska Pipeline was completed in 1977 and sine then it has moved more than fifteen billion barrels of oil. 3. Habitually, Mr. Guo dresses in loose clothing and canvas shoes for his wushu workout. 4. Throughout a firefighter training maze, a number of obstacles are strategically placed. 5. Ian McKellen is a British actor who made his debut in 1961. He was knighted in 1991. He played Gandalf in the movie trilogy The Lord of the Rings. S7-2 Requiring patience and precision, making architectural models is a skill and an art that illuminates a design. Architects come up with a grand and intricate vision and draftspersons convert that vision into blueprints. Following the blueprints, the model maker then builds a miniature version of the structure. Working in traditional materials like wood, clay and paint, modelers also use newer materials like Styrofoam and liquid polymers. Modelers also still use cardboard, paper and glue, and some prefer glue guns, deformable plastic, and thin aluminum and brass wire. In the early stages of model building, the modeler may seem to be making a small mess but in the end, has completed a small-scale structure. Architect Rem Koolhaas has insisted that plans reveal the logic of a design, arguing that models expose the architect's vision. Art designed by the model maker makes this vision real. My Favorite Past time Soaking up the sun, laying poolside and lathered up in suntan oil, one of my favorite past times happens every summer. Though I wish I could visit water parks all year long, there is a few set months out of the year for me to partake in the splashing of water, enjoying the warmth of the day's weather. As a young child, I can recall visiting a water park every now and then with my parents or o ftentimes, my friends and their parents. Today, it still takes me back to simpler days of leaving all cares behind me and just enjoying some rest and relaxation. Now that I am older, I get somewhat annoyed by the young screaming children as I hope to just enjoy my peace and warmth. However, I realize that I too was once one of those giddy squealing children, excited by the mist of the water sprinkling umbrellas among other features of the water park. I can recall the long slides and the anxiousness I had when I climbed into the enclosed tube slide, sliding downward awaiting the huge splash on the other end. I remember chasing the other kids while the lifeguards yelled, â€Å"Stop running!† I remember the fearless feeling I had when I first took the climb up those never-ending steps of the ladder to the top of the high dive, knowing I could not back out without looking like a chicken. Back then, it was exciting and a place of a child's bliss. Today, it has a different meaning. Now, when I visit water parks, I hate to be the big 'ol kid that still is anxiously awaiting my turn on the slide. However, I do it anyway. I like the wave pool still because, thought I no longer splash through it shrieking, I can sit on the water's edge and stay cool while working on my tan. I no longer run giddy underneath the sprinkling umbrella, screaming at the top of my lungs but instead laugh at the young ones that will someday look back and cherish memories similar to the ones I do now. I actually want

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Age Of Sexual Consent In California Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Age Of Sexual Consent In California - Essay Example There is no law in the State of California regarding sexual consent. What exists is the age wherein persons are given full legal capacity free from parental interference. The age of full legal capacity or consent is at the age of 18.In California, a person legally becomes an adult at age 18 and acquires most of the rights, privileges, responsibilities, and obligations of adulthood.athers; 16 year old boys pushed into having oral and anal sex; (3) information regarding sexual encounters or experience of 16 year olds will be divulged notwithstanding the effects that this may cause on the child's mental and social wellbeing. The child as a human being also has a right to privacy and should be spared the ridicule and ostracism 16 year olds are still children half way between adulthood and still being a child. The dictionary defines them as young and immature. They have bodies as developed as adults and still think and reason as children. They are immature and the fact that these children would experiment and desire to experience sex as what they have seen in the Dvd, without thinking of the possible repercussions of their actions in terms if STD's, HIV and even pregnancy is proof of their immaturity. The Dvd or other direct or indirect influences are not to blame for their actions. They will manipulate the use of technology to suit their innermost desires: â€Å"In every era, new technologies are always adapted to sexual uses (Klien, p. 6).†Admittedly these desires are normal. There is nothing wrong in keeping them in control until such time that these children would have grown and be ready to take responsibility for their actions. ... 6)." Admittedly these desires are normal. There is nothing wrong in keeping them in control until such time that these children would have grown and be ready to take responsibility for their actions. Admittedly, this is a part of their self expression. But even this self expression is rooted on how the individual actually behaves. "We can't understand the origins of human sexual expression without knowing more about how we actually behave (Fausto-Sterlin, p.18)." This further proves that the adolescent who behaves in an immature way is not ready to delve into the study of his/her very own sexuality. But to allow these 16 year old children to rampantly experiment is against the mandate given by the people to the State. They are still too young. In fact the benefits of the Alan Guttmacher Institutes' study, greatly favors the experimentation at an age wherein the subjects are ready: "Women who consistently used condoms within their casual relationships had a greater perceived ability to use condoms in difficult situations, expressed a greater need for intimacy within a relationship and were more motivated to have sex to please others or to express love than women who had unsafe casual sex (Alan Guttmacher Institute, p. 57)." This is at 18years old. The study was made among vocational students meaning those that were not in regular schooling for being advance in years. The average age was 18 years old. This proves that 18 year old young adults are mature enough to think and decide for themselves. This study further substantiates the stand of the State that maturity, legal consent and capacity should be retained at 18 years old. Who will protect these children Who will guide them to make the right choices Who is tasked to ensure that their rights

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Should trial by jury be retained present the arguements for and Essay

Should trial by jury be retained present the arguements for and against retaining the jury system in criminal court cases. Ref - Essay Example Regardless of the historical subsistence, trial by jury it has gone a long way to constitute the subject matter of extreme censure. If this academic pondering has to be based on reason, it is obligatory to accept that trial by jury is not the only way to establish guilt. It shall be necessary to evaluate the arguments on both sides and determine if trial by jury should be totally retained, rejected or if some modifications can be made to it. What Is The Underlying Principle Behind Trial By Jury? There is a connectedness between democracy and the jury system. Remember that the law should mirror the needs of the society; directly serving the people. Trial by jury allows a group of people, representing a fair majority of the public, to ensure that the law is not misdirected. The blend of society ideas into the criminal law system has been amongst the most persuasive argument for the establishment and continuance of trial by jury. Therefore, it was not mere supposition when Lord Devlin a sserted that trial by jury must exist to serve as a ‘little parliament†1. Trial by jury gives the jury the authority to mix law with facts; jurors therefore freely pursue the ‘prejudices of their affections or passions’2 and find not guilty when their high opinion for the law is presided by the certainty that to penalize would be unfair3. Are There Any Advantages Of Trial By Jury? Trial by jury is the â€Å"best blend of logic and common sense†4. Remember that the understanding of 12 men is almost the best way to arrive at a reasoned verdict, better than that of one person. Trial by one’s peers is a bastion of democracy. Lord Devlin referred to this as â€Å"the lamp that shows that freedom lives†5. The jury deliberates in the jury room where jurors are free from the heat and controversy of external influences on the case. Trail by jury is the best means to determine credibility and reliability of witnesses in criminal proceedings. It is probable that one mind can easily err. This position was reiterated by Lord Devlin when he said: â€Å"The impression that a witness makes depends upon reception as well as transmission, and may be affected by the idiosyncrasies of the receiving mind; the impression made upon a mind of 12 people is more reliable. A judge may fail to make enough allowance for the behaviour of the stupid because by his training he regards so much as simple that for the ordinary man may be difficult. The jury hears the witness as one who is as ignorant as they are of lawyers’ ways of thought†6. There is public participation in the trial process. A good system of law is highly rated as a superior section of civilization, which in its absence; the people lose confidence in the law. This is connected to the notion of popular opinion, whereby society’s standards of justice becomes the only arbiter of guilt7. Inclusion of the society is a mature way to express democracy, and to see thr ough the eyes of the society, a better way to legitimize trials and verdicts. Therefore, moral credibility becomes a legal feature and the legal system becomes more open. What does trial by jury encompasses Trial by jury exists in most common law jurisdictions. For example, in the United Kingdom, offences listed as ‘indictable’ offences have to be tried by judge and jury. There are equally numerous offences which can be tried by the judge or judge and jury8. Statistics however prove that just about an

Monday, August 26, 2019

The Discharge of Water in the Design of the Channel Statistics Project

The Discharge of Water in the Design of the Channel - Statistics Project Example In the analysis of the graphs, the bar graph would indicate that the amount of rainfall in the river would cause the river water to rise. We can notice that there is almost a steady flow of water until after a rainstorm. The amount of rainfall is indicated in the bar graph while the rise of water in the river is indicated in the line graph. As the water rises in the river, the height of the water is recorded, and the amount of rainfall is computed. Normally the rise of water in a river occurs after a storm rainfall. The discharge is measured at a certain point in a river and is typically time variant. As the line graph is plotted, the part of the hydrograph rises up to its peak and the discharge is seen. The term given to this process in the hydrograph is the rising limb. The decrease of water discharge comes after the rising limb and it is defined as the falling limb. The peak discharge is when water reaches its highest point and there is the greatest amount of water in the river. T he period of time that is recorded between the peak rainfall and peak discharge is called the lag time. In the study of Cynon River that was performed, a total of 96 hours was consumed. The reading in the river height was taken every hour until the end of the 96th hour. At the end of the 96th hour, a hydrograph was plotted to take into considerations the result of the river height readings. A bar graph was plotted for the rainfall, and a line graph was plotted for the discharge. From the hydrograph, we can see how the water in the river had risen. The graph showed that the rise of water started in the 44th hour. The peak point was reached on the 56th hour.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Social Responsibilities of Private Sector Businesses Essay

Social Responsibilities of Private Sector Businesses - Essay Example From this paper it i clear that  private enterprises are formed with a basic purpose of generating profits to the shareholders. This is different from organizations in the public and voluntary sectors whose main purpose is not to make profits but to serve the public. This is because the revenues for setting up of setting up organizations in public sector come from the general public through taxation.This study highlights that  public organizations do not prioritize making profit over the quality of services or products offered to the general public. On the other hand, private enterprises prioritize making profits to the shareholders. This is because the revenues used in setting up the organizations come from individuals, who risk their resources in order to get benefits. It is also worth pointing out that employee in the private enterprises work in accordance to the aims of their employers. This means that employees in the private enterprise aim to increase profits while adhering to the society needs that are either set as rules in a country or as a way of promoting good company image to the public. In short, employees in the private enterprise are agents of the owners and whatever they do is based on the desires of the proprietors of the enterprise. While carrying out social responsibilities in the industry, the main aim is to appeal to the public in order to improve business relations and hence better sales of products and services.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Money & Banking - economics 321 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Money & Banking - economics 321 - Coursework Example It is in these circumstances wherein the so-called boom emerges. This boom in the financial sector as most crises have demonstrated is typified by a fragility that made much worse by credit and speculation. According to Kindleberger, this leads to a series of events such as how price increases leads to a rush for investment as profit opportunities loom large. This is an event that feeds upon itself: the opportunities that promise profit would bring in a new wave of investors and that the positive feedback that is perceived in the process and the outpour of investment increases further profit, which then encourages further investments. He then explained how this leads to what Minsky called as euphoria and when the speculation variable is thrown in, it finally results in overtrading, which aggravate the fragility of the situation. As speculation and overtrading bring in more investors, the probability of crashes increases as speculation for profit drives the ‘manias’ or â €˜bubbles’.† During the feverish economic activity driven by speculative boom, a point is identified to emerge wherein prices start to level and uncertainty start to creep in. This situation, in Kindleberger’s theory creates a period of financial distress, which finally launches a steady downward spiral: There is an inevitable burst as the market started the race to withdraw. In the event of a rush to liquidate, the bubble bursts and further panic ensues. The problem will reach crisis proportions as financial institutions fail, prices decline and the number of bankruptcies spike. This stage, according to Kindleberger, is called revulsion when panic finally seizes the economic system, which is aggravated by liquidity, which, though orderly at times, can actually degenerate and spin out of control, feeding the panic further in the process. The Kindleberger’s revulsion of concept is more popularly known in the nineteenth century as â€Å"discredit.† There are other variables

Friday, August 23, 2019

Medieval Warm Period Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Medieval Warm Period - Essay Example The Medieval Warm Period idea was discovered by an English Climatologist known as Hurbert H. Lamb for the first time in 1965. He also founded the (CRU) UK Climate Research Unit where he estimated that the High Middle Ages temperatures were 1-2 degrees above the normal (Bianchi 2009, p.87). This period impacted most part of the North Atlantic and the regions surrounding it. The Little Ice Age period followed after the occurrence of High Middle Ages Period. During earlier Medieval Period, Europe experienced the mild climate conditions where agriculture was practiced in the higher latitudes (Scott 2004, p. 21). The medieval Warm Period could be regional other than global but some traces shows that the period existence in other parts of world (Bradley 2003, p. 13). In attempt to provide evidence for the occurrence of medieval warm climate as a global element, the Holocene, interglacial and the bond argued on the basis of ratio of iron-stained present in ice –rafted debris in North Atlantic (Bradley 2003, p.18). The objective was to reconstruct Holocene temperature fluctuation but the problem encountered was that the yield temperature was less than one degree percent (Scott 2004, p.30). The optimum temperature needed for the reconstruction could have been 0.5 degrees Celsius. Some of the records that tried to explain the existence of medieval warm period include the mountain glaciations record, the tree ring records, the corals and the remains of flora and fauna found on the sediments in lakes and bogs. Some of the papers that supports that the High Middle Ages could be global include the tree-ring reconstruction in the Southern Hemisphere. The records shows that above average temperatures were received in the New Zealand during the summer temperatures. The period was also experienced in the pacific basin where sea level rose reaching a maximum that exceeded the normal sea level. In Asia, evidence of medieval warm Period was characterized by the cultivation o f citrus fruits which was never as far as to the north. The extreme warmth resulted to the existence of some insects such as the Heterogaster urticae beetle that was detected during the Roman Optimum (Bradley 2003, p.22). A case study in the northern part of the United States on the icy crystal known as Ikaite by geochemist Zunli Lu of Syracuse shows evidence of existence of Medieval Warm Climate. The case was 10,000 miles south of northern Europe (Mann 2003, p.85). The mineral forms in cold waters and constitutes water and calcium carbonate. The crystal could be found in Green land and off the coast of Antarctic Peninsula. The two climates were important because temperature variation resulted into the formation of the Ikaite. The hydrated water from the bottom of the ocean holds the crystal structures together hence during cooling; the ice sheets would expand as the bottom ocean water accumulates heavy oxygen isotopes (Goose 2006, p.223). Melting of glaciers causes mixture of the b ottom water with the enriched light oxygen fresh water. When the ratio of oxygen isotope in calcium carbonate and that o hydrated water was taken, a correction of oxygen was determined between rises and fall. A conclusion in the Antarctic Peninsula was that the crystal Ikaite could build oscillations around the globe especially during the High Middle Ages (Peterson 2005, p.116). The Mediaeval Warm Period in South China The medieval warm per

Murdering McKinley Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Murdering McKinley - Essay Example He came to bring reforms, reforms that could effectively change the culture and system of American society. 2 After McKinley, it was Theodore Roosevelt who was the next candidate to be appointed as a president and change the nation. Roosevelt represented the Republican Party and backed the philosophy of limited governance. Roosevelt was not in favor of the current regulation and advocated the reform in it to bring decisive change in the country. He endorsed policies, which would not limit the power of the State and also the power of Congress as a National governing body. He followed socialist thinking man who kept a slight different opinion than the typical bureaucrats of the country.3 Rauchway introduced Roosevelt as a next progressive leader. A man who keeps a liberal and progressive mindset to cut the William McKinley’s ideology. 4 Roosevelt backed the idea of democracy by giving rights to the women immigrants of the country. During his presidency, Roosevelt reform policies inspired his time of governance. His policies backed and supported the women and the poor who were suppressed before his time of governance. Moreover, Roosevelt’s concern was to bring economic, social, and cultural reform, and these were the radical changes, which Rauchway was talking about.5 Roosevelt identified several key problems in the American society and one of the major issues was anarchism. According to his thought it was an â€Å"evil† standing in American society. Roosevelt, being a Republican, identified the second problem in the labor sect. He worked to help labor unions, and went decisively against the workforce discrimination. It was due to corruption within the capitalist industrial order, and current political regime that caused this problem to exist. Moreover, Roosevelt called for banking reform as he identified this as a major problem in the commercial

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Tv Gives Children Unrealistic Expectations Essay Example for Free

Tv Gives Children Unrealistic Expectations Essay A few months after my friend Angela, who lives in Santo Domingo, acquired access to premium channels such as HBO, Cinemax, etc. her eight years old daughter asked her one night: Mom, are there poor people in the United States? This could have been a Joke if it were not so revealing. My friend realized that the luxurious scenes shown on television were not only giving her daughter a false idea about life in the United States, but they could also be creating unrealistic expectations in the girls mind concerning life in general. The same situation is faced by children and eenagers all over the United Sates. To a childs eyes, television represents a parallel reality with its own rules and laws, a reality in which everything is not only possible and easy, but is obviously more appealing to his/her mind than the sometimes bleak or deprived household in which he or she lives. The problem is real and is not going away. On the contrary, it is only strengthened by the leading role played by television in the upbringing of children, as parents are forced to work long hours and depend more and more on the electronic nanny for the childrens entertainment. Unfortunately, the damage done to the children is serious and has unpredictable consequences in the long run. On the one hand, we have a powerful industry that feeds on audiences regardless of their age, sex or personal characteristics; an industry that harness the imagination of the viewers and, as such, has limitless resources and only one goal: production. On the other hand, we have a defenseless child who spends long hours in front of a TV set, sometimes in the privacy of his own room. Children do not have the ability to analyze or screen the information presented to them. All the images and messages rapped up in the movies, programs or commercials go straight through to the subconscious mind of a child and become the storeroom from which he will draw tomorrow in response to the demands of his environment. Studies performed at MIT have demonstrated that the brain is more active during our sleep than during the times we watch TV. It is precisely that passivity which entraps the child and renders him helpless. Watching TV is not a creative activity. The child does not have to do anything only sit there and absorb the images and the sounds, Just like a plant absorbs the sun. This characteristic makes TV and ideal way o escape reality and go into a world of our own making where everything is possible. Additionally, children can find that TV is a less demanding and more peaceful place to be than their homes, with parents quarreling all the time, when they are present It is in this way that superheroes, gangsters or the latest rock star form a solid bond with our children and it is here they learn to mimic them. We have all learned of cases where children have Jumped from high buildings, expecting to fly or have killed their little sibling Just as seen on their favorite movie. But these are only the most

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Overview And Analysis Of Overconfidence

Overview And Analysis Of Overconfidence Overconfidence has to with presumption and excessive believe in ones abilities. In as much as people are gifted with various talents and abilities, it is incumbent of people to try and tone down on how they expose these to others as people can be very judgmental. Overconfidence therefore is having a cocksure mentality which is mostly not desirable in the society today. I really detest cocky individuals as they have a mentality of knowing-it-all and have a great disregard about other peoples opinions and contributions in day to day events in our lives. In this way most people often shun away these individuals as they are mostly self-centered and egocentric. Overconfidence can turn tragic if events dont work out as anticipated and it is therefore advisable not to be so certain about what lies in the realms of the unknown future. It also certainly adds pressure to our lives as we try too hard to achieve and even exceed in things that we do. It therefore leaves us doing our daily activities anchoring the outcome on what people would think of it therefore disregarding the very purpose of simplicity and comfort in life. Overconfident people are seen to be obnoxious and personally do not attract me very much. Creating an air of self-reliance in thoughts therefore isolates and individual as many tend not associate with people who do not appreciate contributions of others in society. Therefore loosening up and accommodating others makes them feel less intimidated and give them a feeling of playing a role in a team Overconfidence should therefore generally be discouraged unless it is done with moderation so as not to look unpleasant to others. This is especially in places like job interviews when one has little time to cut a niche for themselves and appear as the most ideal candidates for positions. Hypothesis This is a tentative proposition that is due to be verified or proven in future. It is a proposition whose approval is subject to investigations, often scientific to either affirm or decline the proposition. Personally I have often encountered cases that could have divergent but unknown values or results. The most common way in which I have been able to establish the true values is through hypothesis-testing. This involves giving a statement in the affirmation regarding the hypothesis and another nullifying proposition, often known as the null hypothesis. After research and scientific-based investigations, conclusions are made based on the results that would either confirm or negate the hypothesis. I often feel that hypotheses are a good way of proving scientific theories or untested facts. The hypothesis must always be worded so that it can be able to be tested in your experiment. Do this by often expressing the hypothesis using your selected independent variable (the variable you would be changed during your experiment) and the dependent variable (the variable that is observed-changes in the dependent variable would depend on changes in the independent variable). In fact, in many hypotheses, there are stated exactly as: If a particular independent variable is changed by a given value, then there is also a subsequent change in a certain dependent variable. Hypotheses can sometimes be used to give the wrong analysis of facts. I therefore think that careful scientific backing is mandatory in any of these experiments. In this way, the results are sound and can be proven by any replicated experiment. Critical thinking Critical thinking is a high level of looking at issues in a manner that questions the often assumed conclusions and goes a long way in asserting a sense of exploring every possibility in a theory or allegation. I have always thought of critical thinking as an emancipation of the mind in a way that frees one from the conventional and often made assumptions. Free and independent-mindedness is seminal for critical thinking. It is the only way that people can start to think outside the box and away from the norm. Critical thinking is an intellectually disciplined process which involves use of actively and skillfully applying, conceptualizing, analyzing and evaluating information that has been gathered as a result of experience observation, reflection, reasoning, or even communication. It is based on universally accepted intellectual values that are beyond any subject matter divisions like precision, clarity, consistency, sound evidence relevance or even fairness. It would entail the close scrutiny of elements of thought or structures implicit in all aspects of reasoning: empirical grounding; purpose concepts reasoning leading to conclusions; implications of conclusions and their consequences; objections from alternative views as well as frame of reference. Critical thinking is being responsive to variable viewpoints in subject matter, purposes and issues. It is incorporated in a class of interwoven modes of thinking, among them- mathematical thinking, scientific thinking, economic thinking, historical thinking, anthropological thinking, moral thinking, as well as philosophical thinking. Culture Culture is a set of shared pattern or thought that are common in a given society. The underlying culture of a given person is highly likely to affect an individual. Culture is diverse and it is a product of the environmental set up, this is the reason why, different people in different geographical settings embrace different sets of cultures that are almost similar to those of other people in those particular settings. Each culture has a set of elements that are inherent to that particular culture. In most cultures, language is the key element that determines how different members that belong to that culture communicate. Taboos and norms define what is acceptable within that particular culture. The various elements as defined in each culture help bringing social harmony, which is basically a state of synchronization between various individuals that co-exist in a given society. Without the existence of culture (and the corresponding values), the likelihood of unnecessary collisions with other members of society is very high. More often than not, an individuals culture usually comes into play before making many critical decisions. As a student, more often than not, the decisions I have are to some extent influenced by the different cultures at play-where to learn and the culture of the people there, the various eating cultures of the people, who to interact with and their culture. Most people however, are not very much aware of how culture really affects the short term or long term decisions that they make. Endorphins Endorphins chemicals housed in the brain referred to as neurotransmitters. They perform their functions by transmitting signals of an electrical nature in and around the nervous system. The human system has exhibited numerous types endorphins, which are manifested in different parts. The pituitary gland is where the endorphins are found, the other place is in some parts of the brain and also, they are well distributed in the nervous system. Pain and stress are most common factors leading to the release of endorphins. Endorphins are chemicals that are released primarily to ease pain in the body. Endorphins have also been known to produce a euphoric feeling amongst people. The release of Endorphin varies among individuals. This means that two people exercising at the same level or suffer the same degree of pain may not necessarily produce similar levels of endorphins. Various activities can be used to increase the levels of endorphin. Studies of acupuncture and massage therapy have shown that exercise can stimulate endorphin secretion. Change of blindness Change blindness refers to the fact that the brain, does not envisage the accurate presentation of the world and the surrounding. The brain first scrutinizes the suitability of data before subsequent storage. One would think that, it all has to do with the eyes, but that is not the case. The brain is responsible for everything that the eyes land on. This implies that, it is not possible for the brain to recognize change to any given object, if there is no memory of the object stored in the brain. This explains the reason why the people could not detect any change when the construction workers switched position and clothing. The attentive nature also contributes to the degree of whether an incidence is stored in the brain or not. If a person is paying close attention to the subject matter, then there is no doubt the brain will be able to store the event and could easily recognize any form of change to the element or object thereof. In the event that, the person was not paying attention, the incidence in question should be one that is able to distract, the people from whatever they are doing to concentrate on it. The brain deals with different situations on a first come, first serve basis. In order for the brain to have memory of the incident, concentration even for a moment is fundamental. Whether the brain is able to absorb and store information or even the change of an element, it all depends on state of mind of the person at the time. Busy minds will tend not to notice any changes in the surrounding at all. This is because the mind is occupied. However, idle minds will most certainly see a change in the environment. This is because the brain is not concentrating on any particular element or issue for storage in its memory. However the nature of the event should be able to attract significant attention. Rapid eye movement Rapid eye movement is the commonly known as REM sleep is the point of sleep, where there is movement of eyes randomly. Random eye movement is subject to numerous changes in the physiology, in addition to the fact that it is periodical in nature. When we are asleep and not having any dreams our eyes do not record any movements at all. The random movement of eyes is demonstrated when one starts to dream. At this point the activity recorded by the brain bears a close resemblance to that when one is awake. REM sleep is progressive in nature and will keep up to the pick of the night, when it is assumed that one is at the pick of his or her sleep. As the night drifts towards the end, the intensity of REM sleep increases. However the REM sleep differs significantly depending on the age of the person. This implies that REM sleep is more pronounced in babies than it is experienced by adults. The babies experience REM sleep in most of their sleep. The adults on the other hand experience REM sleep in a very small portion of their sleep. REM sleep is essential in the preservation of the overall memory in the brain. Despite this, REM sleep is accompanied by irregularity of the rate of the heart, coupled with the fact that, the rate of breathing is irregular. In addition to this, REM results to the improper regulation of the temperature in the body. REM is not common at all, and the only way one can easily slide to REM sleep is in the event of deprived sleeping hours. The people who have not slept for a while will most certainly drift to REM sleep much faster than those who are in a good condition as regards sleep deprivation. During REM sleep, it is not the brain only where activity is recorded, rather in numerous other parts of the body. One thing is for sure REM sleep, engages parts of the body as if the person was awake. Depressants A depressant refers to a substance, especially drug that impairs by slowing down the nervous system. The operational effect of these drugs to the central nervous system entails action on the neurons which in turn leads to symptoms that vary significantly from one another. The symptoms experienced are relaxation, dizziness, and death in some extreme instances, to mention but a few. Prior to the manifestation of symptoms, the depressants in addition to reducing brain awareness, have the effect of decreasing the central nervous activities. The differences exhibited by these drugs are extremely wide as regards the harmful and safety effects manifested. There is no doubt; most of these drugs are more often than not harmful coupled with the fact that they are pretty much addictive, however a significant portion of these drugs is also safe and of great importance in the medicine world. Benzodiazepines, ethyl alcohol and barbiturates are examples of depressants. Barbiturates for instance is used in medicine to manage seizures, however, it is highly addictive. As a result it not commonly used in hospitals. Alcohol on the other hand is no doubt the most common of all. The effects of alcohol are known to all. In this century, alcohol is the most abused, even the minors are no exception to this predicament presented by alcohol. Despite the problems associated with alcohol, it is not possible to do away with it, because in addition to being legal, it is readily available to any willing buyer. Depressants, though of value to the people are harmful in many ways and people take them despite the impending dangers presented by these drugs. The depressants affect neural activities and as a result create illusion tendencies to the addicts whenever they take them. The depressants temporarily put the addicts in an ideal world, where the reality of life is none existent. This fact makes depressants extremely addictive especially for those who are desperate to escape from the realities of life even for a moment. Color deficient vision Color deficient vision also known as Color blindness is the reduced ability to distinguish between two different colors. The nature and impact of color deficient vision varies depending on the gender of the person. It is no secret; color blindness is more pronounced and manifested in men compared to women. Almost all people who suffer from color deficiency vision suffer specifically from the red-green color blindness. The main reason why men are more likely to be color blind, all has to do with the fact that, color blindness is mainly of red-green type. The red-green color blindness is gender bias, by the fact that it is enjoined in the x chromosomes. The resultant effect is that men will more likely than not suffer from color deficiency vision compared to the women, given that the red-green color deficiency vision is encoded in the xx chromosomes. The red-green color blindness is usually inherited from grandparents. The women do not necessarily suffer from the color deficiency vision, but they carry it pass it over to the child. The woes of people who suffer from the red-green color blindness are not just limited to the green and red color only, but rather extend to other colors in the spectrum. The major problem for the people suffering from the red-green color blindness is associated with the orange color and the green color. However this is not to say that the other colors do not cause their fair share of problems to the people suffering from color blindness. They certainly do, given the fact red-green color blindness is rampant with virtually all people with color deficiency vision suffering from it. Color deficiency vision; though a sensitive issue in different environmental set up and occupations, it does not in any way render the person suffering incompetent. The people could easily do well in the respective work despite the setback of color deficiency vision. Parallel processing Parallel processing refers to the capability of the brain to process and execute information that is of distinct quality. Vision is fundamental, given the fact that the brain the brain partitions whatever that comes to its sights into four sections of motion, depth, color and shape. The brain takes the initiative and scrutinizes them and subsequently evaluates them by making comparisons with the memory. Unlike the processor in the computer, the human brain has the ultimate capability is to process and execute numerous tasks at the same time with the assistance of the central nervous system and other close functions of the body, from the cognition aspects as regards the overall perception, to hearing, and lastly speaking. Co-ordination of a special nature for all these tasks is of great importance for the brain to complete the process successfully. Whereas the computers appears to process multiple tasks at the same time (multi-tasking), what really happens is that the instructions are read into the computer one by one in a mode that is referred to as serial transmission, this helps the computer in allocating suitable time cycles and avoiding resource conflicts that may arise. The working of the computer and the brain can however, be compared. The computer and the human brain have parts that are dedicated to their functionality. At no given point will these parts be used for other purposes and therefore reducing the chances of conflict of resources which may lead to a deadlock. The human brain may be slower than the computer, but one thing is for sure, it is extremely efficient and flexible compared to the processor of the computer. In addition to basic inputs, the computer will require instructions before executing any processes at it disposal.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Career Development Essay

Career Development Essay Jump to: Phases of Career Development | Career Development System | Steps for Career Development Plan | How to Create a Career Plan | Career Plan Example | Conclusions and Recommendations INTRODUCTION When we were kids, every one of us where thinking of being something or having specific job in the future. Many of us were thinking to be doctors, teachers, policeman, pilot etc But reaching these positions or got these jobs will not be easy without knowing what are we good at and what are the ears that we want to improve ourselves in. Also if we want to get these jobs or positions we should have goals and we have to work as hard as we can to accomplish these goals. Every one of us should have a career plan in mind when we graduate from universities or collage or even before that when we graduate from high school because having plan is always motivate us to study, work and develop ourselves in order to achieve and accomplish our plan. When we get our first job we should ask for career development plan and it will be much better if we could draw this plan ourselves because we know what our strengths and weakness and we know what are the best trainings and programs we should take in order to improve ourselves. Career development is very important aspect in our working life and personal life. In our working life its important because no one of us wants or wishes to stay and the same job and the same position for ever, without developing or having the career development plan we will not be able to improve ourselves and get promoted. In our personal life it is important to have career development plan we will be able to make our families and friends happy and proud of us because by having the career development plan we will be able to reach our goals that we have always dream of. This paper is talking about the career development and career development plan and how it is important for the employees and the organizations. CAREER DEVELOPMENT Now days there are many people change their careers more than one time in their lives. For these people who change their career for more than three times, they should know and understand the important of the career development. (John Groth) The career development is the formal approach used by the organization to help people acquire the skills and experiences needed to perform current and future jobs. (R. Wayne Mondy) The career development process is the exploring of your skills and what are your strengths and weakness. Career development is also like a plan you design it yourself to help you in advance through your career. (John Groth) The Roles of the Managers and the Employees in the Career Development (R. Wayne Mondy) Managers Appraising the Performance Coaching and Supporting Guiding and Counseling Providing Feedback Supplying Information Employees Self Assessment Gathering Data Setting Goals Working with Supervisor Developing Plan THE THREE STAGES OF THE CAREER DEVELOPMENT: The First Stage is the Bring It on Stage: this is the first stage in the career life. The age of the people in this stage is from the mid 20s to the early 30s. People in this stage of their career development are very active, strong and powerful. They determine to make their mark in the world of work. Most of the people in this stage feel that they are very strong and able to do everything they asked for also they can make what they want to happen. Success and possibilities are unlimited during this stage. (Dan Strakal) The Second Stage is the Realistic Stage: the age of the people in this stage is from the early 30s to mid 40s. During this stage specific values and career realities begin to come out. At the point of the career development, people of this stage feel that the values could create a conflict between choosing priorities in their work life and their home lives. After spending 10 to 15 years in the workforce, people in this stage feel that they might not being able to do what they were planning to at all, because some of them are feeling that they are not controlling their own career destines. (Dan Strakal) The Third Stage is the Reinvention Stage: this is the last stage in the career development. The age of the people in this stage is from the mid 40s to retirement. This stage starts when people began to redefining and reconciling their work life and personal life. People during this stage have learned from many challenges that they were facing in the last pervious stages and this is the best time to be focus in creating a legacy of specific contributions to be remembered for in their careers, their families and their communities. (Dan Strakal) THE ROLES OF THE LEADERS AND MANAGERS DURING THE THREE STAGES OF THE CAREER DEVELOPMENT : They have to find ways to match peoples values, beliefs, and behaviors to projects and tasks. For example it will be great if they assignee people who are in the Bring it on Stage to the tasks or projects which need and required lots of energy. Get the people who are in the Realistic Stage to value added projects or tasks so they can feel engaged and a part of something big and important. For the people who are in the Reinvention Stage, leaders and manager should get them in projects such as monitoring programs, company history initiatives or leadership development programs. (Dan Strakal) Managers and leader should understand the and knowledge the three stages in order to be able to prevent and solve problems and conflicts that may be occur due to career development differences in values and perspectives. (Dan Strakal) The Assessment Phase: Those who think about successful and satisfying career need to understand themselves first. They also need to know how in which way they can perform best at workplace. One of the key factors in career development is job satisfaction. Job satisfaction is at its highest when the job engages the strongest personality qualities of an individual and when the job is in line with individuals values and attitudes. The fit between employee and organization, in terms of organization nature and culture, directly affects employees career development, performance and chances to succeed. Leadership skills are one of the key factors in career development, too. Ability to cope with stress effectively is another important factor in career success. Assessments can help individuals understand their preferred activities, work style, learn best ways of working with others, and manage conflicts. Facilitates the improvement, alignment, and integration of overall organizational effectiveness and capabilitie s . Monitors progress over time . The assessment evaluates organizational approaches (processes), the extent to which they are deployed, evaluated/improved, aligned, and integrated throughout the organization, and their effectiveness at driving organizational results. Organization assessments are used for learning and improvement. Much like an annual health physical, this tool helps managers better understand what is working well and on what they should be focusing their improvement efforts. But the real value of an assessment is its ability to improve performance to improve outcomes and drive tangible organizational results. And a few studies have proven the value of an assessment and systemic management framework. Organizational Assessment Public and private organizations are complex systems of interacting components. In order to properly gauge the organizations performance and its readiness for change, it is critical to engage in an assessment for immediate feedback and understanding of issues such as: Roles and responsibilities Work climate Group dynamics Training needs Culture and norms Team behavior Communications Work processes Organizational Assessment Sequence Organizational Assessment is a systematic procedure to gather information about an organization, diagnose specific challenges, and develop ways to address them. Effective assessment should be seen as a window into the organization, providing insight into critical issues. It is the cornerstone of any transformation process, and provides the basis for determining how an organization will achieve its vision. Readiness for change is a proven and critical measure of success. Assessment is the first step in understanding the complexity of organizations and essential in measuring the conditions that are necessary for successful change. A thorough assessment will assist in developing an effective transformation plan. The information gathered provides the organization with an understanding of its readiness for change, as well as the actions that will be necessary for successful transformation. Organizational Assessments are an excellent first step towards taking action to initiate positive organizational change. Managing organizational change is an important challenge for leaders at all levels today. In assessing the effectiveness of an organization, it is important to first understand its functional purpose . Self Assessment: Self assessment is the first step of the career planning process. During a self assessment you gather information about yourself in order to make an informed career decision. A self assessment should include a look at the following: Values: the things that are important to you, like achievement, status, and autonomy Interests: what you enjoy doing, i.e. playing golf, taking long walks, hanging out with friends Personality: a persons individual traits, motivational drives, needs, and attitudes In addition to determining what youre good at, a skills assessment also helps figure out what we enjoy doing. The direction phase: One of the most critical and important phase in the process of career development for employees in any organization is the direction phase that acts as a golden link between the assessment and development phases since it has two main roles by driving the identified employee to the appropriate path in the career life and provide a chance to improve the quality and options of this path in the future as a development mission. Only specialists have the ability to design the career direction of any employee based on their experience with taking in their consideration different aspects related to the organization and employee needs; in order to satisfy all the needs. At the same time, you as an employee must be honest in order to ensure the successful of the assessment phase and get the right information about yourself, so counselor will be able to select the right career path. The most important tasks carried out by them are: Choosing a major Developing a career plans Planning a job search Changing careers Counselor will have some discussions and meetings in order to show you different options available and suitable for your future. In case if you are not interested in those options for any reasons, other alternatives will be taken in considerations by designing a job research planning. Sometimes employees are working for a long time in the wrong field, but they accept this situation just to get salary and survive in this life. Actually this mistake must be solved by changing the whole career which is the most difficult step because counselor must focus on the behavioral and mentality side of individual. Nowadays, there are many career counseling centers and offices all over the world that provide a service for those who are confused and dont know what kind of career major to select. Today, the most valuable asset for everyone is the information that must be given for those who are looking for career development and job search. It is a complementary activity for setting up the direction process. Different methods and tools can be used to offer this information and training sessions for employees, such as seminars presented by professionals on a broad range of topics of interest to job seekers like (Starting Your Own Business, Working for a Charity). Also, job workshops can be carried out in order to gather the maximum number of people with different culture and knowledge and then divide them into groups to share ideas and points with each other besides learning from other mistakes and experiences. THE DEVELOPMENT PHASE: Introduction: The development phase in the career growth of an employee is a significant milestone to move in an organization. An employee who meets the requirements of career development is more likely to be catapulted to the higher position. This improvement however could not be done overnight because the skills, concepts, and capabilities are enhanced through processes. Discussion: The promotion of a certain individual depends on the success of the development phase. This stage in his life is crucial depending on people and organization that are responsible in preparing him for higher opportunities. These people and organizations that play key roles in shaping the employee to prepare for the new challenging tasks awaiting him on his new position, are either his managers, supervisors or even peer group and affiliated associations. Some of these common development programs offered by organizations are mentoring, coaching, job rotation and tuition assistance. The terms may change interchangeably but the desired objective to develop and mould the employee to the next higher position will help tremendously for the career development of the employee. Famous among the development programs is mentoring. To mentor as Psychology book says is to walk along with the other person. It could happen between a senior and a junior officer, manager and supervisor or supervisor and employee. It can happen also between a person and his peers, his organizations or affiliated association. Mentoring can simply be called advising, role modeling, sharing contacts and giving general support. Mentoring can happen any time during office hours or even outside of the official time. Moreover, it can happen in any levels in the organization. Empirical evidence proves that effective mentoring can improve outcomes such as performance levels, promotion rate, upward mobility, and income and job satisfaction. It can even re-ignite enthusiasm and motivation for those mentees who are about to retire. The most effective mentoring is matching the mentees skills and interests. Furthermore, another study reveals that employees with mentors have achieved greater level of career development. Another concept that is link to mentoring is job shadowing wherein a junior employee observes a more senior employee for a set duration. There are concerns to address in mentoring. Employees who belong to small organizations or individuals who are self employed may find a hard time finding a mentor. However, the solution is for them to affiliate in any organizations or associations that will serve as support system. The next development program is coaching which involves spontaneous meeting between employer and employee to discuss the latter career goals and development. This will enhance productivity and more likely to the managers own advancement. Another program is job rotation which could be an answer for companys downsizing. It gives the employee the opportunity to broaden his knowledge and increase marketability. Job rotation allows employee to work on another jobs and be trained to add more skills on his CV. However, one advantage is the fact that there are employees who by discretion do not want to broaden their horizons for the purpose of mastering own skills and potentials. Conclusion: The tuition assistance Program is another offering in the development program of the organization for his employees. This takes in the form of workshops, seminars, conventions and the like. It could also be in a form of scholarship grant to an individual which is the support of the organization to further the individuals knowledge. All these career development programs may happen simultaneously or it may be conducted one at a time. Not necessarily than an employees undertakes the four programs, but to avail of either one of these, as long as the program is effectively done will ensure promotion for the employee. CAREER DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM The career development system is an everyday activity shows how is the organizations needs are linked with the individuals needs so when the employees are satisfy with their career, the organization will achieve its goals and objectives. (Thomas H. Jakel) ORGANIZATIONAL NEEDS What are the organizations major strategic issues over the next two or three years? Critical needs challenges to be faced? Critical skills, knowledge and experiences needed to meet these challenges? Staffing levels required? Does the organization have the strength necessary to meet the critical challenges? ISSUE Are employees developing themselves in a way that links personal effectiveness and satisfaction with the achievement of the organizations strategic objectives? INDIVIDUAL NEEDS How do I find career chances within the organization that will do the following? Use my strength Address my developmental needs Provide challenges Match my interests Match my values Match my personal style (Thomas H. Jakel) HOW CAN MANAGERS SUPPORT THE CAREER DEVELOPMENT There are many way that the managers can use to make their employees to take advantage of career development opportunities. Below are some ways that the managers can use to encourage and support their employees: The managers have to set time to meet with their employees and ask them about their career goals and how they would like to achieve these goals. The conversations should be un formal and friendly and the managers have to show their employees that they are not only supporting their development, but also show them that they are interested on their career goals. (Career Development The Managers Role) The managers have to evaluate their employees performance annually. Also they have to give then feedback and suggestions in how they can develop themselves. (Career Development The Managers Role) Make sure that the job descriptions change based on the talents that people bring to their jobs and projects. (Career Development The Managers Role) Recognize and reward the employees who are doing a good work. (Career Development The Managers Role) Managers have to focus on the development of the person more that improving his/her job performance. (Career Development The Managers Role) Start the employees development programs in a way that help them to establish their goals for their professional development. (Career Development The Managers Role) Make them feel that there are always enough budgets for the trainings programs. (Career Development The Managers Role) THE IMPACT OF THE CAREER DEVELOPMENT The career development could impact of the employees, staff, managers and departments. Impact on the employees: the career development will be very helpful for the employees because they will be able to see the path from one job to another, including the skills and knowledge needed. (Career Development: Impact) Impact on the Managers and the staff: career development will let the staff and managers to have the information and the tools to plan for career development and support succession planning. (Career Development: Impact) Impact on the Department: career development will get the department to have an access to more prepared internal candidates who are prepared for advancement. (Career Development: Impact) CAREER DEVELOPMENT PLAN What is Career Development Plan? Career Development Plan is the most important part of the performance review, and it is identify your strengths and weakness and the area that you need to develop in order to meet you career goals. Creating a career development plan will be very helpful to develop your strategies to take advantage of your chances for your future work. (Career Development Plan) Career Development Plan: it is like a map that shows you where do you have to move in your current career and where or what you want to work in the future. This map will show you how to develop yourself and how you want to provide yourself with the right and the important skills and experiences. It will also help you to find the right ways to achieve your goals and the organization goals and interests at the same time enjoy your work and try to balance between your career and your life. It is very important for the career development plan is to be fixable and it may be changed during your current job. (Career Development) An Individual Development Plan (IDP): it is a progress tool which discovers activities that will help you to improve your knowledge, skills and abilities. The IDP process gives you a chance to share with your supervisor or manager your objectives as well as talk about your strengths and development needs. (Career Development Tool: Career Planning) Since the career development plan includes and talk about your work experiences and your career goals and it could includes the development that needed for your current job, it is always good idea that you use this for moving to a new job as well. When you will start working on your career development plan you have to focus on your current job. Once you feel that you are meeting your current roles expectations then you can start develop plan for you future career. (Career Development Plan) The career development plan includes materials that allow you to think about your personal career development. By creating you personal career development you will be sure that you have all the skills, knowledge and the ability you need to successfully achieve your career goals. (Career Development Plan) You have to share your completed career development plan with your manager to make him/her aware of your career goals and plans. (Career Development Plan) HOW TO CREATE CAREER DEVELOPMENT PLAN: First of all you have to write about your background information. This could be done by doing the self assessment, because by doing the self assessment you will be able to know your strengths and weakness. (Career Development Plan) The First Step: Self Assessment I think that the self assessment is the best thing that everyone has to do before starting to look for a new job or even to move from the current job to another. The most common question that you have to ask yourself about before searching for a job for the first time or moving into a new job is: I dont know what I want to do? The only and the right way to answer your question is to do self assessment this is the tool which can guide you toward the kind of job that is suited you. Self assessment is the way or the process which can you use to gather information about yourself to make the career decision easy for you. (Dawn Rosenberg McKay) The Self Assessment should include the following: Values Interests Personality Skills Values: The values are the things that are very important to you such as the achievements. Values are the most important thing to think about very carefully when you are planning to work for the first time or thinking of moving to a new job, because if you didnt care about your values you will lead yourself to a not good results such as you may doing like your job therefore you will not be able to achieve what you are looking for. (Dawn Rosenberg McKay) Interests: The interests mean the things that you like to do and the things that you dont like to do. Asking yourself this question will help you to see or to know what kinds of works or tasks that you like to do and enjoy working or doing them. (Dawn Rosenberg McKay) Personality: The personality is when you ask yourself about what type of person are you? Do you like thinking, feeling, jugging and perceptive? Do you like to work alone or with a team? These kinds of questions will help you to be successful in your job because you will know what kinds of jobs or tasks that suited your personality. For example if you have an introvert personality you are going to face a lot of problems if you work in a job that requires presentations or public speaking. (Dawn Rosenberg McKay) Skills: You have to look at what are you good at and what are the skills that you have to improve. This is a very important question that you have to ask yourself about in order to find a job that meets all your skills otherwise you will have face obstacles. For example if you get a job that requires using the computer as a major tool and you are not good enough to use it. (Dawn Rosenberg McKay) The most important goals of the Self Assessment are: To enhance the self awareness and confidence of your decisions To know what is your strengths and weakness (The Steps for Self Assessment) Step two: Set your development goals: there are three main reasons of why its important to write or setting you development goals. These reasons are: Setting your development goals cold help to get organized, make big decisions and realize your dreams. Setting your development goals gives you long term vision and short term motivation. This step will help you to understand the direction of your career. When you start writing your development goals you have to start with identifying your development needs. To do this you have to look at the feedback information that you have from your resources such as your manager, team leader and supervisor. Also you have to be aware of the organizations goals and directions and you have to consider the objectives of the team or group that you work with. Writing your development goals will help you to consider your short team goals (1 to 3 year) and your future or long term (3+ years). The short term goals could be much related to your current job or to a position that you are planning to get or reach. Write SMART Goals S: your goals have to be Specific so you know exactly what are you striving and looking for. M: your goals should be Measurable so you can exactly know when the goals have been reached. A: Action oriented to indicate an activity that create and produce results. R: your goals have to be Realistic and can be achieved. T: you have to consider the Time because you have to define the timeline and the availability of the resources. (Career Development Plan) Step Three: Write Your Action Steps: once you are done with writing your development goals you need some directions to follow in order to get, reach and achieve these goals. The creating of the action steps will give you a list of the most important things that you have to do and this list will help you track your progress toward your goals. The Action Step should have three main parts: ACTION: a verb that describe what action you will be taken CONTEXT: when and where will it take place? RESULTS: what will be the result of this action? (Career Development Plan) Step Four: List your Obstacles and Solutions: This step is important to make sure that your career development goals are not sidetracked. It is good to know and consider what are the problems and the obstacles which may stand as barriers in reaching your goals. Also this step will help you to identify and find possible ways to overcome these obstacles and problems. The common problems and obstacles that you may face: Limited time Lack of financial support Lack of feedback, encouragement and motivation Manager is unsupportive of development Some of the potential solutions for such obstacles are: If you cant take more training courses because of your workload, the potential solution for this would be cross training with another team member. If the budget of the trainings is limited, the potential solution for this would be choosing low cost trainings, online learning or reading a book. If your manager does not provide you with feedback, the potential solution would be looking for feedback from other sources such as mentors. (Career Development Plan) Step Five: Identify your Resources: You have to identify what resources are available to successfully achieving your career development goals. You should think about what kinds or types of resources you may need and where they come from. Resources could be anything that supports your development such as: Getting the approval on the trainings and development programs Encouragement and motivation from your manager coach or mentor Support from you manager to work on new projects and tasks Get the time to work on your development Get feedback and advice from people who are skilled on the area you are seeking to develop (Career Development Plan) Step Six: Evaluate your Progress: When you are successful in achieving and meeting your career development goals, you will be able to evaluate your progress. By setting S.M.A.R.T goals will make sure that their achievement can be evaluated. If you thing that its hard to evaluate the goals, it is probably is not meeting one of the S.M.A.R.T guidelines. You have to keep in mind that the career development plan is not a onetime activity, but you have to revises and change your career development plan annually, because your roles and responsibilities are changing you are getting more experiences every year. (Career Development Plan) THE MAIN GOALS OF THE CAREER DEVELOPMENT PLAN From my respective understanding I can say that the main goals of the career development plan of the individuals are to know where their strengths and weakness are. Also to know where they want to be or what kind of jobs they want to work on in the future. The career development plan will help them to know what are the most useful trainings and courses they should take in order to improve their self in their career. Also they will know what are the most important skills that they should gain for their current job or for the future job? But they have to be aware of the organization goals and objectives so they can align their skills and abilities with the organization objectives and interests. In this case they will be able to impr

Monday, August 19, 2019

Evolution of the Automobile Industry and Henry Ford Essay -- Essays Pa

Evolution of the Automobile Industry and Henry Ford Henry Ford, "the high priest of efficiency," was the tinkerer-craftsman who produced one of many horseless carriages, the automobile. Nearly three years after his only son was born in 1893, Ford succeeded in producing his first car. After months of vigorous work and two final sleepless nights, the Quadricycle tolled out of Ford's garage. The Quadricycle was a primitive machine, with a tiller for a steering wheel, bicycle tires, a bicycle seat and a bicycle chain to transfer the power of the engine to the wheels. Engine-manufacturing plants did not exist, so Ford's car was constructed entirely by hand, with common parts recycled into new uses. A house doorbell was the horn. The two cylinders were made from scrap pipe rescued from an old steam engine, honed and then cut in half (Taub 17-18). An attempt to create one of the first automobiles was Charles King. However, his car weighed three times the amount of Ford's attempt at 500 pounds. While King's car could only make five miles per hour, the speed of a brisk walk, Ford's automobile reached up to 20 miles per hour. Since Ford lacked factory experience, the company folded before a single car could be produced and sold. A convincing win in a 1901 automobile race attracted a new group of supporters for Henry Ford's industry. "With fifty-thousand dollars in capitalization, these supporters set up the Henry Ford Company. But Ford could not set his mind to designing and building the low-cost cars in which he claimed he was interested (Taub 18)." By 1903, Ford designed another car, the Model A. This came with a two-cylinderengine developing eight horse power, capable speeds up to thirty miles per hour. H... ...ster. Henry Ford's invention of the automobile led to many opportunities that people had never before dreamed of. This new invention is one of the main factors that has built our nation to where it is today. Through all of the different models of the automobile, we have evolved to where we are today. Works Cited - Barker, Ronald. Automobile Design: Twelve Great Designers and Their Work. Warrendale, PA: Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., 1992. - Clymer, Floyd. Henry's Wonderful Model T 1908-1927. New York: Bonanza Books, 1955. - Meyer, Stephen III. The Five Dollar Day: Labor Management and Social Control in the Ford Motor Company 1908-1921. Albany: State of University of New York Press, 1981. - Taub, Eric. Tavrus: The Making of the Car That Saved Ford. New York: Dulton Book, Penguin Group, 1991.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Jungle :: essays research papers

Sinclair's book ,The Jungle probably had to do the most with the fact that he himself was a Socialist. He was brought up in Baltimore, and his family was considerately poor. His father was not very successful at his job and for this reason it seems good to believe he became a Socialist because in communist countries it is said that all people are treated equal. An opposite of this book would be "‚Animal Farm", which Sinclair has probably never read. This other novel shows the bad sides of Socialism and it ends with the rules saying, "All animals are considered equal, but some are more equal than others". In this book it shows that a hard worker is not rewarded and is only disposed of once he becomes a burden. The life of Sinclair and his book is reflected upon only because he uses his opinions in the book. In his book, he made a financial breakthrough and had his first successful novel. Sinclair has written many books dealing with the problems of capitalism and the solutions of communism which is not fair because he writes nothing good of capitalism and it's benefits. He also wrote other books on his wisdom he had gained and relegion. He frequently tried for office but never succeeded. His publications were originally made mostly by publishing them himself. The story itself takes place in Chicago with a group of immigrants. They come to the U.S. and discover it's a cruel, harsh world. First, though, this group goes through a series of trials. The first is a marr iage which costs much money, and the second is a death. After this, comes a house which is sold to the one couple for three times the value of the house. It's at this time that the parents and other groups move into this house. One character goes into a meat packing business where he learns of unsanitary conditions. The second is a musician which is currently down on his luck and his wife goes out to work. After a while the first character breaks his arm and loses time at work and is then

The Theme of Marriage in Middlemarch Essay -- Eliot Middlemarch Essays

The Theme of Marriage in Middlemarch  Ã‚      One of the central themes that runs through Middlemarch is that of marriage. Indeed, it has been argued that Middlemarch can be construed as a treatise in favor of divorce. I do not think that this is the case, although there are a number of obviously unsuitable marriages. If it had been Elliot's intention to write about such a controversial subject, I believe she would not have resorted to veiling it in a novel. She illustrates the different stages of relationships that her characters undergo, from courtship through to marriage: A fellow mortal with whose nature you are acquainted with solely through the brief entrances and exits of a few imaginative weeks called courtship, may, when seen in the continuity of married companionship, be disclosed as something better or worse than what you have preconceived, but will certainly not appear altogether the same(193) She not only includes the new couples (Fred and Mary, Celia and Chettam), but also the older ones (the Garths and the Cadwalladers and the Bulstrodes), as well as widowhood (Dorothea). The marriage that would at seem most in need of a divorce, that between Dorothea and Casaubon, would be, ironically, the one that would last the longest if divorce had been available. Dorothea would not, indeed could not divorce Casaubon because of her honesty and the strength of her idealism. Despite the fact that Casaubon is clearly unsuitable, she still goes ahead with the marriage. It can be said that Dorothea represents the antithesis of Casaubon, where he his cold and severe, she is warm and friendly. Indeed, they are portrayed in clearly different ways: Dorothea represents light and life, while Casaubon is darkness and death. ... ...similar circumstances (An example of this is the comparison between the reactions of Rosamond and of Mrs Bulstrode when they learn of their husbands' disgrace). This desire to analyse and compare probably came from her studies of both natural sciences and psychology. I don't believe that Elliot's position is either for or against marriage - she is, in my view, equally for or against certain characters. The marriages that are portrayed in Middlemarch are of such different and varied composition that no general rule can be drawn from them. Works Cited and Consulted Carroll, David (editor). George Eliot Middlemarch. Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press, 1996. Drabble, Margaret. Introduction. Middlemarch. By George Elliot. New York: Bantam, 1985. vii-xvii. Pangallo, Karen L. The Critical Response To George Eliot. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1994.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Key Components in the Leisure and Recreation Industry Essay

Recreational activities fall into six key components, which in turn are divided into sectors. Some activities will fit into more than one category, and other activities are hard to put into any category, such as bridge clubs- are they a sport or a home based leisure activity ? The main components are: * Arts and Entertainment * Home-based Leisure * Countryside recreation * Catering * Heritage and visitor attractions * Sports and physical recreation Arts and Entertainment This is a huge industry that includes many sectors, they are: Arts The arts, apart from commercial cinema and theatre is a precarious industry where losses are easily incurred due to high costs and a very fragmented market. Sponsorship and grants play an important part in these. The public sector plays the most crucial part in funding arts. At the top is the Arts Council, which in 1999 gave out à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½188 million in grants. Much of this came from the National Lottery. Some of it was given out to Regional Arts Boards who then fund local projects. Much of the grant aid is given directly to organisations or individuals. The Arts Council is not the only national public sector organisation to be involved in the arts. One important group is The British Film Institute (BFI) which is responsible for supporting film makers, and the promotion of the British film industry. Local authorities play an important role as well. They employ arts development officers who promote the arts locally and will support local artists. Some larger authorities employ established artists in residence, who work in the area promoting their art and creating commissioned pieces. Local Authorities are major providers of galleries and performance space such as town hall stages or community theatres or even parish halls. In some cases, such as the Lyric Theatre at Hammersmith, London is a part owner of a commercial theatre. Voluntary sector groups also contribute to this sector. Many trusts exist to develop minority arts or provide for specialist audiences. For example, Wolf and Water in Devon is a drama trust dedicated to working with people with special needs. Entertainment Classified as entertainment are popular performing arts and spectacles. The voluntary sector is important here as nationwide participation in amateur dramatics and music is a popular pursuit. Public provision is also evident but has changed in recent years. Thirty years ago most town halls and civic entertainments programme of films, theatre and musicals. This has largely disappeared now and has been replaced by events programmes that are organised by various departments. For example, many sports centres will host travelling theatre and ballet companies such as the Royal Exchange Theatre Group, while arts officers will book in tourism exhibitions. In the streets and parks outside, groups are invited to put on events such as the hot-air balloon events in Bristol’s Parks. It is the private sector that monopolises entertainment. There is a flourishing small-business sector that includes pub entertainments and single artists such as party and street entertainers, but the bulk of the market is contained within three areas: 1.cinemas 2. Theatre 3. Stadia/arenas Cinema-was very popular in the first half of the 20th century. Then when colour televisions and video players appeared cinemas started to lose there appeal to the public. Cinema companies were not refurbishing their buildings, most of which were built in the 1930’s, and were finding profit by selling them off as bingo halls. Some survived by aiming at niche markets(e.g. Corner House in Manchester). These ‘art house’ cinemas show foreign films. The main market is for commercial English-language films. In the 1980s there was a major review of how films were presented. This resulted in multiplexes being invented. They are equipped with the following features: * Modern luxurious buildings with high-quality projection and sound * Multi screens to show move films than one * Easy access often at out-of-town centres * Good customer care The closest multiplex cinema around is the Warner Brothers Village in Longwell Green. This complex has all the features shown above Theatre-the London theatres are highly profitable with a city audience and a huge tourist market. Even then, they increasingly stick to a formula of musicals or familiar plays with big name actors. For example Chitty Chitty Bang Bang was shown at London’s Palindrome with Michael Ball starring in it. The package largely consists of touring West End shows, nostalgia and tribute bands, comedians and spectacles like circus and ice shows. The main London Theatre companies are: * Delfont Mackintosh Theatres * Ambassador Theatre Group * Really Useful Theatres * SFX (Apollo) Apollo leisure is the leading national chain Arenas and Stadia- these are large multi-purpose buildings for very large audiences. Arenas(indoor) for example are likely to put on conferences and trade exhibitions as well as concerts, while stadia(outdoor) are designed especially for sport. An example of a stadia is Ashton Gate home to Bristol City Football Club. Many arenas are owned by Local Authorities or development corporations. Good examples of this are the various halls and centres in Birmingham ,including the National Arena. Sports and physical recreation These activities can be grouped as follows: * Informal recreation(play, walking, gardening) * Competitive sport (football, tennis, golf) * Outdoor activities (sailing, climbing) * Health and fitness (jogging, yoga) Many activities can often be put into more than one category. For example, swimming in the sea is informal, swimming for a club is competitive, swimming in a conventional pool can be seen as health and fitness. Each component has a different profile in the type of facilities and services it produces. Informal physical recreation or exercise- this is the most popular activity nationally. Nobody knows the hours children spend playing or adults spend gardening. We pursue these activities because they are cheap, available and don’t require a lot of skill. The enjoyment we get from them often depends on the environment we do them in. Competitive Sport-most people associate sport with the professional game. This means they are spectators, and it is the spectators money that underpins professional sport. Facilities were often run down to the extent that some were dangerous for crowds, e.g. Hillsborough 1989. Providers have found that profits increase when standards of customer care and corporate hospitality are improved. This has led to the building of a new generation of high-class stadia and race tracks and other facilities where the key services are: * Presentation of the core event * Merchandising * Catering * Safety and security Amateur sport is geared around participation and voluntary clubs. As land and buildings are expensive, many clubs use facilities provided by Local Authorities. Many outdoor sports clubs have their own facilities although there is an even greater number of players who use recreation grounds. There are about 78,000 pitches in the country. Thirty years ago amateur sport was largely centred on outdoor team games. Competitive sport means participation and developing skills and there is a sizeable industry for coaches and instructors. Despite its profile, competitive sport is on the decline and organisations like Sport England are concerned that as a nation we are losing our sporting skills and becoming less fit and healthy. For example, many governing bodies have big school-based programmes, and Local Authorities will run schemes in deprived areas where people cannot afford to play sport or go to health suites. Outdoor Activities-there are over a thousand centres in the UK which specialise in providing outdoor adventure holidays. Facility provision is also essential for outdoor sports, meaning the upkeep of the environment, and this is regulated by the organisations under the Countryside Agency umbrella, such as the Forestry Commission, Local Authorities or National Trust. For most participants activity in the natural world is occasional, and more time will be spent in training in built facilities such as pools or climbing walls. Profitable areas such as skiing, sailing, private sector companies are the main providers. Health and Fitness- there are now at least 2,500 private health and fitness clubs in the UK- it is a boom industry that many young people see as the exciting place to work in leisure. Private sector will increasingly dominate the market and eventually also manage and invest in public sector facilities on behalf of Local Authorities. The central product of these clubs is the fitness room consisting of cardiovascular equipment and perhaps free weights, and frequently areas with small pools, jacuzzis and saunas.. Heritage and visitor attractions The heritage industry concerns buildings and materials that have historical value. Thirty years ago these were largely stately homes, castles, ruins such as Stonehenge and battlefields. Heritage was often about how the rich and famous had lived or what they had collected, or about culture(e.g. Shakespeare). Now it has expanded to include a much wider interpretation of historical value. Whether the attraction is a theme park or museum, the organisers will do their best to employ all the techniques of facility management to look after the customer and make the product interesting. In a theme park the excitement of the rides is a key feature and bringing new and more exciting rides brings in more customers. The difference between a visitor attraction and a heritage site is that the latter involves considerable work behind the scenes which the public never sees. The most popular tourist attractions are: * Museums and galleries- British Museum * Theme parks- Blackpool Pleasure Beach * Historic houses and monuments- Tower of London * Wildlife parks and zoos- London Zoo Many heritage sites are owned by Trusts and limited companies that have been set up to manage individual sites, while many stately homes are owned and run by two big organisations: * English Heritage- is the national body responsible for the management, promotion and conservation of 400 archaeological sites and the historic environment * The National Trust- is a trust set up in 1895 to preserve places of historic interest or natural beauty. Its sites include a range from Paul McCartney’s teenage home to stately homes like Waddesdon Manor Museums-are not usually run by the private sector, largely because of high costs. Many museums started life as private collections which were later donated to the nation or the local community. Libraries-apart from their lending their services which we will look at later, they are largely involved in the heritage sector. They have a back-room role of collecting important documents including maps, and making these available to the public. This is known as the records and archives service. Catering Leisure catering includes pubs and clubs, restaurants, cafes and takeaways. Its firmly placed in the private sector with some exceptions. A catering company provides a service according to the specification of the ‘client’ and often under the client’s name. Many leisure centres and theatres buy in service in this way. The catering sector has various components that make eating out an enjoyable experience: the provision of food and drink; entertainment, such as jazz at Pizza Express, games; and security in the form of door staff. Eating out is an increasingly important and available leisure experience. The fast-food business is booming with a growth rate of 30 per cent. This growth is at the expense of takeaways and cafes, and especially of pubs and clubs. Fast food tends to be run by chains that can make economies of scale by producing the same product in each outlet. Many breweries have followed this trend and operate chains like Harvester restaurants within their pubs. In contrast cafes, restaurants and takeaways tend to be run and owned by family businesses. Countryside recreation The countryside is the natural, national playground and one which is used by walkers, ramblers and those involved in more active outdoor activities. A survey in 1998 by the National Centre for Social Research showed that 1,427 million day visits to the countryside were made and a further 241 million to the coast. Like any leisure facility such usage will have an impact which in turn will lessen, and even threaten, the leisure experience itself. Organisations working in countryside recreation are therefore primarily stewards who maintain, manage and regulate the environment and also produce information and education. An important organisation funded by the Countryside Commission is the National Parks Authority. This is responsible for the regulation and interpretative service inside twelve National Parks, which are designated areas of significant natural beauty and wilderness. The Local Authority has a part to play in managing and regulating country parks. In many cases it also owns the land and will act as landlord to any tenants in the park, such as farmers. Home-based leisure This is cheap, easy and relaxing. The equipment most popularly used are: radios, videos, TV sets, gardening materials and home fitness machines is normally provided by the private sector. The main exceptions are the library lending services in the public sector. Except for broadcasting this component is retail based. As the internet is more widely used, shopping for leisure on the net is likely to increase. Free services like Tesco mean more people are using the net.